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    财务finance financing [会计] financial affairs

    1、现金收讫 Case received payment2、银行卡收讫 Bank Card received payment

    finance财政, 金融, 财政学financial affairs财务, 金融事务financing筹措资金, 理财, 筹集资金, 融资, 财务, 资金

   财务英语翻译 急~~,财务英文翻译
    专业翻译:responsible for the company's overall financial work, including dealing with day-to-day accounting, financial accounting. income accounts and accounts

    财务室 : accounting office | financial affairs office | finance office

    审计风险(Audit Risk,简称AR)固有风险(Inherent Risk,缩写为IR)控制风险(Control Risk,缩写为CR)检查风险(Detection Risk,缩写为DR) 通俗点就是AR(应

    Fundamentals of Financial Management1.1 general1.2 Financial analysis1.3 Time value and risk of moneyFinancial Decision Funding Decision Distribution Decision

?    财务英语的简写是Finance 财务泛指财务活动和财务关系。前者指企业在生产过程中涉及资金的活动,表明财务的形式特征; 后者指财务活动中企业和各方面的经济关系,

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